Burger King: Hamberders
The Situation: When Clemson, the 2018 NCAA D-1 National Football Champions, visited the White House, President Trump served them A LOT of fast-food. Burger King happened to be one of the types of fast-food he served. He then tweeted to tell everyone about the fast-food celebration but made an obvious typo when doing so: he said he served “hamberders…”
The Insight: While politics can often be considered off-limits in advertising, just making fun of a typo or spelling mistake can be considered fun humor.
The Idea: A simple tweet: “due to a large order placed yesterday, we’re all out of hamberders. just serving hamburgers today.”
The Results: Our quick, organic, reactive tweet grabbed everyone’s attention and instantly started trending. It was featured on Jimmy Kimmel, CNN and many more news outlets, resulting in 3.8 billion earned media impressions, worth $42 million in earned media.
Awards: 2019 Cannes Lions: 1x Silver • 2019 D&AD: 2x Shortlists
Agency: MullenLowe
Role: Group Strategy Director
Year: 2019